Friday, May 1, 2009

When one door opens...

I haven't blogged in awhile. I feel like I have so much going through my head that it is hard to put words to the things that I want to say.

It seems weird to me that I am just a week away from graduation. I am excited that this chapter is ending and a new one is beginning. But as always, this ending will be bittersweet.

I am looking toward my future with a new hope and happiness that I have never really known in the past. I haven't really stopped smiling since I got my job offer, and I am so very excited. It is going to be such a great opportunity for me to learn and grow.
Yet, part of me feels like crying. I can go from thinking about how great life is, to just wanted to burst into tears (and no, I am not pregnant... but that is a blog for another day!)
I have met and gotten to know some very wonderful people since beginning nursing school almost 2 years ago. We have become a part of each others lives, at first out of necessity, then out of choice. We have forged friendships that have helped us make it though school and life. We have shared each others triumphs, and we have cried together over each others hurts. There is such a special bond here, because unless you have been there, you will never know what it is like to be in nursing school. Without each other to support us and push us to not give up, many of us would have thrown the towel in a long time ago. It is like having your own cheering section! If there is anything I will miss about being in nursing school, it is this.

We are moving on. Sure, we will all say that we are going to keep in touch. And some of us will at first. But then life will get involved. And what is now will fade to but a wonderful memory that I can one day look back on and wonder what ever happened to...

So, yes, I am happy to graduate and be done. But I am sad to say goodbye to some of the best people a girl could hope to meet. So if I cry while I am smiling, don't worry. I am happy, I promise. But I am a little sad too.